Scheduling functionality
The scheduling functionality allows users to review, create, and publish the employee schedule for a specific day with the ability to define location, availability, start time, work type, truck assignment, deadhead point, and notes.
When accessing the Scheduling page you will be shown the schedule for the last date you had viewed. A different date can be selected with the date picker in the control bar.
Create a schedule
There are several ways to create a new schedule. If no schedule has been created for a day, the user can select the CREATE SCHEDULE button to open the Create Settings.
If a schedule already exists for the selected day, a new schedule can be created to completely replace the existing schedule by selecting the CREATE button in the control bar. When using the CREATE button, there are three options for building a schedule: Use ADMIN List, Use Previous Schedule, and Import Schedule.
Create Settings
Selecting Use ADMIN List or Use Previous Schedule opens the settings modal so you can review and/or change any of the settings before the schedule is created.
NOTE: If any filters are applied to your view, only the filtered work points will be selected when the settings modal opens. This allows you to work on specific work points without impact others. Additional work points can be selected by using the location dropdown.
Work Points: The work point option allows you to define specific locations to create a schedule. If you had any filters applied to your view, by default only the filtered work points will be selected. The list of work points can be updated by selecting the desired location(s) from the dropdown. If no work points are selected, a schedule will be created for all scheduling work points.
Create By: The create by option allows for selecting to use a schedule from a previous day or use the ordered list from the ADMIN section. This will be defaulted to the Create By method that was selected from the main screen, but can be changed by clicking the drop down.
To create a schedule using the default settings from the ADMIN section, select the ADMIN List option.
To create a schedule from a previously created schedule, select the Previous Schedule option and the desired date. Dates with a schedule will be highlighted. To pull additional information into the new schedule, select the desired fields to pull that information into the new schedule.
Once all settings have been updated, select the BUILD SCHEDULE to create the schedule for the day.
If a schedule already exists for a day, the user will be presented with Schedule Override Warning to notify them that their action is about to replace existing schedules. Users must click the “Yes, replace existing schedules” link in the bottom left corner of the warning message to proceed. Once complete, the current schedules will be overridden and can no longer be retrieved.
Modify a schedule
After the initial schedule has been created for a day you can update the information as needed. When a cell is updated the cell will be highlighted blue and requires an explicit Save to save any modifications to the schedule.
Update order of employees: Use the drag icon on the left side of each row to move an employee to lower or higher in the list. This can also be used to move an employee between locations.
Work Point: Work points can be updated to move the employee to a different start location.
Availability (optional): The employee availability can be updated as needed to show the employee as Unavailable, On Call, Will Call, Sick, Vacation, or Not Scheduled.
Unavailable: When set, no notification will be sent to the employee. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
On Call: When set, a notification will be sent to the employee with On Call as the start time. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
Will Call: When set, a notification will be sent to the employee with Will Call as the start time. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
Sick: When set, no notification will be sent to the employee. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
Vacation: When set, no notification will be sent to the employee. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
Not Scheduled: When set, a notification will be sent to the employee with Not Scheduled as the start time. If a start time was entered for the employee it will be removed.
Week Hours: For schedules on the current or future dates, the week hours column will display the total logged in or total clocked in hours for the current week. The week hours consider a week to be from Sunday to Saturday and will not show for past schedules.
Hire Date: To assist with Seniority ranking, users have the option of displaying the hire date from the employee’s user profile in Digital Fleet.
Start time: Update start time as needed. When a start time is entered for an employee, a notification will be sent to the employee with the start time. If the Availability is not set and no start time is entered for an employee, no notification will be sent to the employee.
Work Type: The work type can be updated as desired to show the employee as a Driver or Operator.
Truck (optional): To specify the truck for a driver, select the truck from the dropdown.
Deadhead Point (optional): To notify the driver to deadhead to a different location select the desired deadhead location from the dropdown.
Add note (optional): Select the Notes cell for an employee to add a note to the schedule notification. If the note applies to an entire location or to everyone use the APPLY TO ALL option when saving the note.
Auto-Populate On: The auto-populate option allows quicker input of start times by defining the interval to space the start times by work type. The auto-populate option is defined at the location level and when enabled for a location, entering the start time for an employee will automatically create start times for all employees with the same work type that are lower in the order.
Publish a schedule
Once a schedule is finalized, the schedule can be published by clicking the PUBLISH button in the control bar. There are two options for publishing a schedule: Publish Now and Publish Later.
NOTE: If any filters are applied to your view, only the filtered work points will be selected when the settings modal opens. This allows you to work on specific work points without impacting others. Additional work points can be selected by using the location dropdown.
Publish Now: To publish a schedule immediately, select the Publish Now option. The settings modal will open so you can review and/or change any of the settings before call outs are sent. By default, the setting “Only send to updated drivers” will be checked. This prevents a driver from receiving multiple call outs if scheduling changes are made that don’t impact everyone. Simply uncheck this box if you wish to resend callouts to all drivers.
Publish Later: To publish a schedule at a future time, select the Publish Later option. The settings modal will open so you can review and/or change any of the settings before call outs are scheduled. With this method a user must also provide the desired date that the call outs will be sent. The “Save And Publish” button will be disabled until a date and time has been selected. Once entered, the date/time will be automatically applied to all work points shown in the table.
Work Points: Both scheduling methods allow users to define specific locations to publish a schedule. By default, if filters are applied to your view of scheduling, only the filtered Work Points will be shown in the table. Work Points can be removed or added as needed using the remove X or Add Work Point dropdown.
You can also specify unique publish times for individual Work Points by setting the publish date, publish time, and publish/don’t publish settings for the location.
Delivery status
Once a schedule is published, the delivery status for each employee will be updated with the ability to resend the employee’s schedule by selecting the delivery status.
Published: schedule has been published and is in the process of being sent to the employee.
The following employee setup will keep the employee in the published status since a schedule will not be sent to them.
Employee’s availability is set as Unavailable.
Employee’s availability is not set and no start time is entered for the employee.
Sent: schedule has been sent to the employee and the system is awaiting confirmation of delivery.
Delivered: schedule has been delivered to the employee.
Acknowledged: employee has acknowledged their schedule by selecting the acknowledge link or calling into the IVR system.
Failed: schedule delivery failed for the employee.
Schedule Filters
To allow for more control over your view, the scheduling filters can be used to view, create, and publish schedules for specific locations. You can access the filters by selecting the filter button to the left of the date on the control bar. The filter panel also provides the ability to hide/show columns as desired.
The reports section provides information on delivery failures, unacknowledged schedules, and a full change log for schedules.
Delivery failures
With text message and email call outs we are able to track delivery of the message and report on the following delivery errors. These details can be
Text message
Handset off/unreachable
Bad number
Unknown error
Invalid email address
Mailbox full
Email too large for server
Marked as spam
Unknown error
The delivery failures report provides a running total of delivery failures in comparison with historical data. The delivery failures also provide drill down functionality for more detailed information on the different delivery failures with a list of employees with failed deliveries for the date range.
Unacknowledged schedules
To help verify an employee has seen their schedule, an acknowledge link is included in the text message and email call outs. Similar to delivery failures, the reports page provides a running total of acknowledged/unacknowledged schedules in comparison to historical data. It also provides a list of employees with unacknowledged schedules for the selected date range.
Driver schedule changelog
The reports section also provides a full change log of all schedule changes for the selected date range and work points.
Report filters
To allow for more control over your view, the scheduling report filters can be used to look at specific locations and date ranges. You can access the filters by selecting the filter button to the left of the date on the control bar.
There are options to select a predefined date range or selecting the date picker allows a custom date range. For custom date ranges, a start and end date must be selected.
Admin functionality
The scheduling admin functionality allows users to create default schedules for each location, define scheduling locations, setup employees, and define import settings as applicable.
The default schedules created here will be used when creating a schedule with the Use ADMIN List option.
Scheduling Settings
Import Settings: Allows a client to define if an imported schedule should be auto-published and if it should overwrite existing schedules. Choosing Yes will replace any existing entries when a new schedule is imported for that date. Choosing No will not import a new schedule if a schedule already exists for that date.
Notification Settings: Enabled by default. If unchecked, notifications will not be sent to the Drivers.
Edit Work Points
To provide flexibility on schedulable work points, the edit work points option allows you to add any point as a schedulable location. Once enabled for scheduling, the work point will be displayed on the ADMIN page with the ability to assign employees to it. It will also become available on the Scheduling page when creating future schedules.
Select the Edit Work Points button to add or remove the work points seen on the scheduling page.
NOTE: A user must have permission to edit Points to use the edit locations functionality.
Add employee
The admin section has multiple ways to add an employee to the default schedule.
Add All Drivers (Restricted to Digital Fleet admins)
Selecting the Add All Drivers option will populate the default admin schedule based on the user settings, defined Plant, and hire date.
If no Plant is defined for a driver they will be added to the None location.
If no Hire Date is defined the driver will be placed in alphabetical order after all drivers with a Hire Date are added.
Add Single Employee
Selecting the Add Single Employee option will allow any user to be added to the default admin schedule.
To add a single employee, select the user from the Employee Name dropdown and fill in any missing information. All fields except Work Type and Location will be auto-populated based on the user’s settings.
Add Employee (from a location)
From within the default admin schedule, you can add an employee to a location by selecting the Add Employee row for the location. This will open the Add Employee overlay with the location populated. This allows for a user to be added to multiple locations as needed.
Modifying the default schedule
Once the locations and employees have been added to the default schedule you can arrange the order of employees, employee locations, and employee work types as needed.
Update order of employees: Use the drag icon on the left of each row to move an employee to lower or higher in the list. This can also be used to move an employee between locations.
Location: The location can be updated to move the employee to a different start location.
Work Type: The work type can be updated as desired to show the employee as a Driver or Operator.
Truck (optional): To specify a default truck for a driver, select the truck from the dropdown.
Employee setup
Along with arranging the default schedule, you can set up an employee’s hire date, desired delivery type and default truck here.
Hire Date: The hire date can be edited by selecting the hire date field and using the date picker.
Delivery Type: The available delivery types are SMS, Email, Email and SMS, and IVR.
SMS: Sends the schedule notification to the phone number for the user via text message.
Email: Sends the schedule notification to the email address for the user.
Email and SMS: Sends the schedule notification to both the phone number and email address for the user.
IVR: When IVR is enabled, all users regardless of defined delivery type will be able to retrieve their schedule through the call in system. This option allows for users to only use the IVR system for their schedule.
Phone Number (required for SMS delivery): Phone number used for text message delivery of their schedule.
Email (required for Email delivery): Email address used for email delivery of their schedule
The Reorder option allows for setting the employee order at a location by the hire date. This will order the employees at the location with the oldest hire date first and the newest hire date last. If there are users without hire dates, they will be ordered after all users with a hire date have been placed.
Admin filters
The Admin filters work similar to the Scheduling filters with the ability to filter by employees and locations. It’s accessible by selecting the filter button on the left of the control bar and includes the ability to hide columns.
Employee call outs
The employees may receive their schedule call outs through text message, email, and/or a call in system. The delivery mechanism is set in the scheduling admin section or through the user’s settings.
Text message delivery
The text message call out provides the user with the date, employee name, start time, location, truck, dead head, and notes with the ability to acknowledge receipt through the acknowledge link.
With text message call outs we are able to track delivery of the text message and report on the following delivery errors.
Handset off/unreachable
Bad number
Unknown error
Email delivery
The email call out provides the user with the date, employee name, start time, location, truck, dead head, and notes with the ability to acknowledge receipt through the acknowledge link.
With email call outs we are able to track delivery of the email and report on the following delivery errors.
Invalid email address
Mailbox full
Email too large for server
Marked as spam
Unknown error
Interactive voice response (IVR)
The IVR system allows the user to call a provided phone number and enter their user pin to retrieve their schedule. They will be provided with the date, employee name, start time, location, truck, dead head, and notes provided in the schedule. Their schedule will also be marked acknowledged upon completion of the call.
If an employee has multiple future schedules they will be provided with information for their next scheduled day only.
When IVR is enabled the call in number will be shown in the top right corner of the Scheduling pages. Click here for more information on the IVR functionality.
Please contact for details on enabling IVR access.
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