Minimum DigiTrack Version Not Met
The installed version of DigiTrack (on the tablet) does not meet the minimum requirements. Either a mismatch with the firmware version (on the DF+ hub) or the DF+ dashboard (on the web).
Recommended Action
Update DigiTrack to the latest supported release. Using a DF MDM, please reach out to Using your own MDM, please reach out to your IT department.
GPS Data Is Stale
Location information (GPS) was expected to be reported. GPS data is reported based on an interval.
Recommended Action
- If the tablet is off, check:
- If the user turned tablet off
- If the tablet battery is dead
- Tablet not properly in cradle
- Truck battery dead
- Cradle wiring incorrect
- Reference install document below
- If the tablet has no cell data (0-1 bars), check
- If the current location of the truck appears to be in a poor coverage area
- Move to area with 3+ bars
- If it appears the tablet/SIM card has an issue
- Please contact
- If the current location of the truck appears to be in a poor coverage area
- If the tablet does not report GPS data, check
- If the current location of the truck prohibits GPS
- Move to open area
- If it appears to be a tablet issue
- Please contact
- If the current location of the truck prohibits GPS
Cradle and Tablet Installation with DF+ Hub – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Enabled Mismatch
The DF+ configuration is mismatched between the truck and the web settings.
Recommended Action
Perform verification tool and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck. Trigger refresh from tablet and web. If issue persists, please reach out to
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Bluetooth Disabled
Bluetooth is disabled (turned off) on tablet.
Recommended Action
Turn Bluetooth on at tablet. Pair bridge using the Connection Wizard in the DF+ diagnostic page. Acknowledge the necessary Android permissions when prompted. Keep an eye on this, users can deactivate Bluetooth in newer versions of Android.
Bluetooth Disconnected
The tablet and the DF+ bridge is not connected via Bluetooth.
Recommended Action
Pair DF+ bridge to the tablet. From DigiTrack press the red DF+ icon in the top right. Navigate to the DF+ diagnostic page and use the connection wizard. Verify the connection name matches the DF+ Device page on the web portal.
Ticketed - No Ignition
Ignition appears to be off while the truck is ticketed.
Recommended Action
Verify the ignition (key switch) is turned on in the truck. If still persists, check wiring.
Chassis Connection Installation Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Sensor Base Install Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Controller Heartbeat Is Stale
The DF+ hub (controller) has a "heartbeat", a CAN message sent every second, to signify the hub is running ok. The system waits a period of time and if the heartbeat is not reported it becomes stale. The hub appears to not be running.
Recommended Action
Reboot hub using the hub update utility. If persists, reboot tablet, then use the hub update utility to reload the hub software. If system persists, Check the LED status on the hub. Finally, please reach out to
Hub LED Status Troubleshooting – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Sensor Base Install Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Hub Update Utility Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
How To: Reboot Hub – Documentation | Digital Fleet (, Video
Verification Issues
The installation of the DF+ system has not been verified.
Recommended Action
Verify the hardware mounted on the truck matches the configuration. Using the DF+ verification tool, verify the DF+ system functionality.
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Drum Rotation Sensor Not Operating As Expected
The system expects the drum to be spinning when the ignition is on, if this is not seen for a period of time this is reported.
Eaton Quad Sensor (EQS) normal output is Ground-Open, however if the detected resistance is in a range that is undeterminable this is reported.
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (magnets, sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Verify the hardware mounted on the truck matches the configuration. Using the DF+ verification tool, verify the DF+ system functionality.
If Eaton Quad Sensor is reporting a resistance in the undeterminable range, inspect the EQS and wiring to ensure proper installation or replace EQS.
Drum – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Water Add Sensor Not Operating As Expected
Water add sensor not reporting as expected
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Perform verification tool from DigiTrack and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck.
Water Add – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Washout Sensor Not Operating As Expected
Washout sensor not reporting as expected
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Perform verification tool and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck.
Washout – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Charge Pressure Sensor Not Operating As Expected
Charge pressure (slump) not reporting as expected, reporting out of normal operating range.
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Perform verification tool and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck. Also ensure correct slump profile is uploaded to Web)
Slump – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Discharge Pressure Sensor Not Operating As Expected
Discharge pressure not reporting as expected, reporting out of normal operating range.
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Perform verification tool and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck.
Slump – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Electronic Water Add Sensor Not Operating As Expected
Electronic automatic water add system not functioning as expected.
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (sensors, connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation. Perform verification tool and ensure installed hardware reflects actual hardware mounted on truck.
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Chassis Not Operating As Expected
Engine data not reporting as expected
Recommended Action
Visually inspect hardware (hub, CAN connections, etc.) to ensure proper installation.
Verify chassis manufacturing date (if 2006 or older J-1939 does not completely report).
If the odometer does not match:
- Update the odometer source on the DF+ Device page on the customer portal to match the desired odometer source. The CAN log tool can be used to help determine the source of the odometer information.
- Have the customer look at the dash cluster and tell you what the odometer reads, then compare this to what the backend sees. Update the Odometer Adjustment factor on the DF+ Devices page on the customer portal.
Have the customer check the wiring to the chassis, more specifically which connector they plugged in to - there can be 11 or more different CAN buses on a chassis, make sure the correct bus is be connected
No engine data reporting
Recommended Action
Have the customer check the year of the chassis.
- Chassis 2006 and older do not have a complete J1939 system
- Glider chassis, depending on configuration, may not have a complete J1939 system
Check the baud rate and re-verify the chassis data
Have the customer check the wiring to the chassis
- Wrong chassis CAN connection location
- Chassis harness connector questions or issues
- Never connected chassis CAN
- Green and yellow wires are swapped
- Wedge locks
- Does not have the correct harness since the wrong sensor base kit is being used (typically happens when the wrong truck type was specified)
Chassis Connection Installation Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Verification Tool Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
DF+ Hub Not Operating As Expected
The DF+ hub (controller) has a "heartbeat", a CAN message sent every second, to signify the hub is running ok. The system waits a period of time and if the heartbeat is not reported it becomes stale. The hub appears to not be running.
Recommended Action
Visually inspect wiring.
Reboot hub using the hub update utility. If persists, reboot tablet, then use the hub update utility to reload the hub software. If system persists, Check the LED status on the hub. Finally, please reach out to
Hub LED Status Troubleshooting – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Sensor Base Install Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Hub Update Utility Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
How To: Reboot Hub – Documentation | Digital Fleet (, Video
DF+ Bridge Not Operating As Expected
Bridge is in an error state.
Recommended Action
Reset the bridge from the hub utility. Reboot the bridge from the hub utility tool. If issue persists, please reach out to
Sensor Type, Software Compatibility Chart – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Hub Update Utility Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
How To: Reset CAN on Bridge – Documentation | Digital Fleet (, Video
How To: Reboot Bridge – Documentation | Digital Fleet (, Video
Minimum Hub Firmware Not Met
The version of firmware on the hub does not meet the minimum to support the Digital Fleet+ hardware installed on the truck.
Recommended Action
Select the proper firmware is selected from the web (DF+ Device page), then use the hub update utility to update the hub firmware.
Sensor Type, Software Compatibility Chart – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Hub Update Utility Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Ignition Not Operating As Expected
Ignition appears to be off.
Recommended Action
Verify the ignition (key switch) is turned on in the truck. If still persists, check wiring.
Chassis Connection Installation Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Sensor Base Install Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
Hardware Not Yet Installed
Hardware installation has not been completed enough to have the Tablet report a connection to Hub.
Recommended Action
Complete installation of tablet and hub and connect to Digital Fleet.
Sensor Base Install Guide – Documentation | Digital Fleet (
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