The DigiTrack side panel has been redesigned to be responsive to the state of the truck. The items made available to the driver are dependent on the current state of the Truck. Additionally, the available items have a priority order and an underlying severity. The priority of a button will never change, but the severity can.
The side panel is also scrollable, allowing the driver to view items that may be further down the currently displayed list.
Levels of Severity
- Critical Items - always display before Warning Items
- Warning Items - always display before Priority Items
- Priority Items - always display before Information Items
- Information Items
Critical Conditions
- Hours of Service Panel
- A user has any active HOS violation.
- ELD Duty Status Panel
- The truck has an active ELD malfunction.
Warning Conditions
- Hours of Service Panel
- A user has any active HOS warning
- ELD Duty Status Panel
- The truck has an active ELD diagnostic event.
- Extra Products Panel
- The assigned ticket has extra products and the truck is in the BEGIN_LOAD or LOADED ticket status.
- DF+ Regen Panel
- Enters the warning state when the value exceeds the warning threshold set for the truck.
Priority Conditions
- The Enter B.O.L panel is always a priority for aggregate trucks.
- Fuel button panel is marked as a priority when a truck is inside of a fuel depot geofence.
- DF+ Water Add is marked priority when the truck is in the following statuses:
- DF+ Discharge Revolution is marked priority when the truck is in the following statuses:
- DF+ Concrete Volume is marked priority when the truck is in the following statuses:
Side Panel buttons and Sort Order
If two items are the same severity level, the order they will appear is determined by their sort order. The items with the lower number will appear first in the side panel.
Extra Products (0)
Eld Duty Status (1)
Enter BOL (2)
Next Truck ETA (3)
Fuel (4)
Previous Truck (5)
Hours of Service (6)
Concrete Volume (7)
Discharge Revolutions (8)
Slump Unavailable (9)
Slump (10)
Emissions Regen (11)
Water Added (12)
Example: Severity and Sort Order
In the following example, Hours of Service is first in the list, because the violation is making the panel severity "Critical", moving it to the top of the list. Extra Products and Next Truck ETA are currently at the same severity, "Information", sorted by Extra Products first, since it has a lower sort order number.
Example: DF+ diagnostics side panel display
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