Below you will find release notes for the Digital Fleet platform and web application. Here you will find details of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. There are also Release Notes for the Tablet Application.
December 18, 2019
- Feature: Add support for custom DVIR component groups
- Improvement: Modify the Driver Scheduling SMS notification system to use a bank of phone numbers to deliver the SMS messages
- Improvement: Several improvements to the DVIR grid
- Improvement: Add location column (hidden by default) to the DVIR grid
- Improvement: Several minor improvements to the Truck Dashboard
- Improvement: Remember which tab was active in the DVIR section
- Improvement: Show the current location of a truck when clicking on the Current Location value in a DVIR description
- Improvement: Add ability to edit and delete DVIR components and component groups
- Improvement: Update the Fuel Drop alert to look at more recent data when determining if an alert needs to be sent
- Bugfix: Fix saving of state when using a custom date filter on the DVIR page
- Bugfix: Fix truck messaging to address case where name of 2nd truck in truck-to-truck message wasn't always displayed
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was causing the misidentification of certain DVIR groups when new issues were submitted
December 4, 2019
- Feature: Add support for custom DVIR vehicle components (requires DigiTrack version 7 or above)
- Feature: Add a Mechanic Supervisor role, which is capable of signing off DVIRs for any mechanics configured on the account. Those with the Mechanic role will only see themselves in the drop down menu for specifying the mechanic who is signing off on a DVIR.
- Improvement: Allow users to specify "All Trucks" for the Truck Message History report
- Improvement: Include a description for SPNs in the Diagnostic Trouble Code report and alert
- Improvement: Save a user's filter and sort preferences on the DVIR page, so the same options are set on subsequent page loads
- Bugfix: Update the Fuel Drop alert to work with fuel percentages, not gallons
- Bugfix: Fix issue where the nearest plant search was not returning results for accounts with plants spread throughout the country
November 21, 2019
- Improvement: Improve platform performance by increasing the number of simultaneous requests we can have in progress between modules in the platform
- Improvement: Add Last Reported On time to the Trucks export
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was causing Job Site Dashboard summary times to be slightly off in some cases
- Bugfix: Fix issue causing the Last Boot Time in the DigiTrack devices export to always contain NULL
November 13, 2019
- Feature: Add new Diagnostics tab to the Truck Dashboard
- Feature: Automated End of Day Plant Wash Out
- Improvement: Use HTML for the alert body of DVIR alerts, making them easier to read
- Improvement: Introduce a 5 second delay in between notifications sent by our Driver Scheduling component to help prevent carriers from seeing the notifications as SPAM
- Improvement: Update the Diagnostic Trouble Code report to include end time, as well as information about J1939 diagnostics
- Improvement: Add ticket acknowledged time (the time the driver acknowledged the New Ticket pop up message) to the Ticket List report
- Bugfix: Fix issue preventing the creation of real time alerts
- Bugfix: Don't update the job site description of an existing job site if the new description is blank
- Bugfix: When closing out a ticket, be sure to remove only the associations for the truck to the old job points (not any associated with a new ticket)
November 6, 2019
- Improvement: Significant improvements to the page load times of the DVIR section of the webapp
- Improvement: Add water added events to the Truck Status and Truck Audit reports
- Improvement: Add option to run alerts at specific times of the day
- Improvement: Change DVIR alert to include DVIRs that include general remarks (and not just DVIRs with reported issues)
- Improvement: Improved ELD system monitoring that determines if a Data Recording malfunction needs to be logged to be less sensitive, and result in less false-positives
- Bugfix: Better handling of when we geocode the address of a job site to prevent race conditions
- Bugfix: Fix daylight savings time related issue with the data returned to the tablet to draw the ELD Duty Status graph
October 30, 2019
- Improvement: Modify ELD Duty Status Hours and ELD Duty Status Hours Detail reports to display driver duty status times for the entire time frame of the report, so the numbers could be more easily matched with what is displayed on the tablet
- Improvement: Don't allow a job site to be moved by a status change if the job site location has already been manually updated by a web user
- Improvement: Add Quick Route information to the Truck Dashboard
- Bugfix: Fix a force logout order issue where trucks would appear "Out of Service" if they hadn't successfully logged out before logging in again
- Bugfix: Fix the layout of the hover window for Quick Route job sites to be more readable
October 22, 2019
- Improvement: Improve page load time of the Operations Dashboard
- Improvement: Modify the create ticket page to remember the user's last choice for ticket type
- Improvement: Record the time the driver acknowledges a ticket
- Improvement: Include waypoint and destination information in the response when the tablet asks for directions
- Bugfix: Modify ELD process to identify the correct driver when ELD related records are queued on the device due to connectivity issues, and then sent at a later time when the connection is re-established.
- Bugfix: Better handle cases where a message cannot be pushed to a tablet due to a bad token
October 16, 2019
- Feature: Added a new Dashboard for trucks
- Improvement: Several adjustments to Quick Route to make it easier to use, and fit more comprehensively within the platform
- Improvement: Consolidated how the platform determines the "current ticket" for a truck, for performance and consistency
- Improvement: Use the "alt_description" field of a message from Integra if the "description" field for the ticket product is blank
- Bugfix: Fix status descriptions that were being displayed on the dashboards to use standard ticket naming, not Quick Route ticket naming
- Bugfix: Fix bug with the Directions functionality for tablets configured for Spanish
October 9, 2019
- Improvement: New users are now prompted to create a password the when they confirm their Digital Fleet account
- Improvement: Several minor adjustments to the Quick Route feature that was released last week
- Improvement: Better error handling when trying to create a new job site with the same order number as an existing job site
- Improvement: Add Quick Route support for auto-ticketed trucks
- Improvement: Add the ability to Quick Route to an existing job site
- Improvement: Changes to successfully handle "Poll" requests from certain dispatch systems
- Bugfix: Fix directions lookup for Spanish configured tablets
- Bugfix: Properly record the time a ticket was sent to / received by the tablet (versions 7.2 of DigiTrack and later)
October 2, 2019
- Feature: Added the ability to "Quick Route" a truck to an address or a point
- Improvement: Change ELD Uncertified Records Report to list all dates containing uncertified records for a driver, excluding the current date (the driver has not yet had a chance to certify these records)
- Improvement: Update the map page to persist changes to the map filters on change
- Bugfix: Fix ELD Duty Status Hours and ELD Duty Status Hours Summary reports to account for the ELD Duty Status the driver is in at midnight on the start date of the report
- Bugfix: Change ELD record creation to use a the proper origin code for several driver triggered records, such as login, logout, duty status changes, and ELD record certification
September 25, 2019
- Improvement: Cut the amount of time the map waits to refresh data in half (from 30 seconds to 15 seconds)
- Improvement: Modify the dashboard pages to remember the last module that was being viewed by a user
- Bugfix: Don't ignore Toll type points when determining if a truck has broken a geofence
- Bugfix: Fix the logged in hours alert to work more reliably when considering older logins
- Bugfix: Fix ELD data file export bug that was adding invalid VIN numbers and driver logins (PINs) to the data file sent to the FMCSA
- Bugfix: Fix bugs that occurred when two alerts ended up with the same name
- Bugfix: Fix the Misplaced Job Sites module on the Dispatch Dashbaord to include some misplaced job sites that would have otherwise not been displayed
- Bugfix: Fix bug that resulted in ELD records created with the incorrect duty status if an intermediate log ELD record was created while a truck was stopped
- Bugfix: Fix bug in the Integra integration that was, in some cases, identifying the wrong location for current / home / return / point locations
September 23, 2019
- Feature: Backend changes to use HERE for certain location and geocode information
September 18, 2019
- Improvement: Enhance the new messaging framework to better handle large message blasts
- Improvement: Save the Android OS version of the tablet to the database
- Improvement: Update the new messaging page to more clearly mark a message blast as "partially failed" when only a subset of trucks failed to receive the message
- Improvement: Deprecate and remove all non UTC based times from the platform
- Improvement: Don't add "old" messages to the new messaging page
- Bugfix: Fix a few issues with fetching data from the Map page when using Internet Explorer
September 11, 2019
- Feature: Updated messaging page is officially out of beta, and old messaging page has been retired
- Feature: New alert - Alert when drivers are not logged out for a long enough period of time
- Improvement: Change the way data is fetched for the Maps page so that only one request for data can be in progress at any given time
- Bugfix: Fix error when creating a new ELD entry from the webapp
- Bugfix: Stop displaying deleted tags on alerts and tag settings pages
- Bugfix: Better handling of errors on requests to fetch data for the maps page
- Bugfix: Several minor bug fixes and enhancements to the new messaging page
- Bugfix: Fix errors dealing with alerts containing duplicate names
- Bugfix: Fix error resulting in manual Arrive Yard transitions not making it to Integra
- Bugfix: Fix issue with cumulative login hours alert when driver has no previous login history
- Bugfix: Fix error in Driver Scheduling process that prevented notifications from being sent when they should have
September 5, 2019
- Bugfix: Properly determine plant from the ticket when driver does a manual arrive yard outside of the plant geofence
- Bugfix: Change where truck ETA data is obtained from in the zoom view to match where it is obtained from elsewhere in the platform
- Bugfix: Make job site lat/lon editable again on the job site edit view
August 28, 2019
- Feature: Add new cumulative logged in hours alert
- Improvement: Add configuration to notify dispatch when the truck returns to any yard or only the return location specified in the ticket
- Improvement: Add department code to the fuel summary report
- Improvement: Ignore everything after a space when searching for a truck name on the tablet
- Improvement: Add support for a Broken Down (Loaded) ticket event
- Improvement: Change refresh rate of data on the map from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
- Improvement: Improve performance of loading of messaging channels
- Improvement: Add ability to send priority messages from the send message popup
- Improvement: Disable editing of latitude and longitude on the job site edit screen
- Bugfix: Fix versioning related bug with the Digital Fleet API
- Bugfix: Fix issue with the Ticket Event API that was resulting in duplicate results
- Bugfix: Don't enable truck/point/job site search drop down on the map until all data has been loaded
- Bugfix: Fix display of canned message input box on Internet Explorer
August 21, 2019
- Improvement: Modify the VehicleComponent, Tag, and TagGroup APIs to use the same response format as the other APIs (this resulted in the creation of V2 of our API)
- Improvement: Full implementation of push notifications for upcoming versions of the DigiTrack app, finishing the migration away from UDP as a communication protocol
- Improvement: Several behind the scenes changes to support features that will be released in the coming weeks
August 14, 2019
- Feature: Two new ELD reports: ELD Duty Status Hours and ELD Duty Status Hours Detail
- Improvement: Add fuel station to the fuel event summary report
- Improvement: Add Truck Name to the ELD configuration screen
- Improvement: Some minor changes to the new messaging feature
- Improvement: Improvements to the web application deployment process that should limit downtime during the deployment window
- Improvement: Several changes to support new framework for pushing data to the tablet
- Improvement: Include a unique id for records returned by the Truck Location History API
- Bugfix: Fix issue where data for certain controls in the web application would not populate due to database connection issues
August 7, 2019
- Improvement: Several small improvements to the new messaging page
- Improvement: Make Battery Health and Location Mode sortable on the DigiTrack Devices admin page
- Improvement: Allow the automatic moving of a job site on Arrive Job and Begin Pour events to be disabled for a particular client
- Bugfix: Update the map immediately when a job site is moved via a Arrive Job or Begin Pour event
- Bugfix: Fix issue with adding unidentified driver profile records to the ELD output data file
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was preventing points from showing up on the truck replay page
July 31, 2019
- Improvement: Add support for client specific validation on the BOL entry from the tablet
- Bugfix: Increase the number of concurrent map filters that a user can have active at the same time
- Bugfix: Fixed issues with how map filters were being saved in the Preferences and Employees section of the webapp
- Bugfix: Prevent the routes message from being sent to the tablet for unrelated orders
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was occasionally preventing ETA from showing up in the truck hover
July 24, 2019
- Improvement: When no filters are applied, show all active trucks on the map, regardless of whatever plant they may be working out of for the day. This change includes the removal of the "All Trucks", "All Points", and "All Plants" options. Now, you will see "all" of the particular category if no filter options are selected for that category. For example, if you select one or more truck classes, you will only see those truck classes. If no truck class filters are selected, you will see all trucks. The same logic applies for plants and points.
- Improvement: Add some basic input validation when a driver specifies leftover amounts on the tablet (v7+)
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was resulting in duplicate devices showing up on the Truck Hardware Dashboard
July 17, 2019
- Improvement: Include the reporting driver's name in DVIR alerts
- Improvement: Some database improvements to help with slow reports
- Improvement: Show wait times in minutes in the Wait Times report
- Improvement: Minor improvements to the new messaging user interface based on customer feedback
- Bugfix: Ignore rows with an odometer of 0 when creating the ECM Mileage by State report
- Bugfix: Fix status messages going to BCMI
- Bugfix: Fail the registration of a tablet if the truck name contains spaces
July 10, 2019
- Feature: New ECM Mileage by State report
- Feature: New Fuel Event Summary report
- Feature: New High Wait Times report
- Feature: New Returning Mileage report
- Improvement: Add last PTO event to the Truck Status Audit report
- Improvement: Add geo fence information to PTO Engage report
- Improvement: Change "Use Previous Schedule" button in Driver Scheduling to use data from the previously published schedule instead of just the closest saved schedule
- Improvement: Persist data for past GPS events (but don't trigger status transitions)
- Bugfix: Fix broken link to some reports that appeared in the truck slide out on the map
- Bugfix: Trim white space from email addresses before attempting to send emails
- Bugfix: Do not allow alerts with a blank name
July 2, 2019
- Improvement: Add a per client configuration setting for how long a job site remains on the map after the most recent work has been performed for that order
- Improvement: Various improvements and bug fixes to the new messaging page based on customer feedback
- Improvement: Use the new messaging model data for determining washout times that are returned to the tablet for display to the driver
- Bugfix: Fix DVIR save and cancel buttons from being cutoff in some instances
- Bugfix: Fix data returned to the tablets when ETA is requested on the next truck on the order
June 26, 2019
- Feature: New Messaging
- Improvement: The Plants tag group is now used to identify which points are associated with a given plant
- Bugfix: Fix error that was allowing a truck to be renamed to a truck that already had that same name
- Bugfix: Fixed bug that was displaying a truck on the Job Site Dashboard timeline, even if it had not yet started work on a ticket for that job
- Bugfix: Fixed map issue on the Ticket form and the Point configuration page (Internet Explorer only)
June 19, 2019
- Improvement: More underlying modifications to our messaging infrastructure to support the new messaging user interface
- Improvement: New default ticket status descriptions
- Improvement: Hide job sites from the map after 10 hours of inactivity from tickets associated with that job site
- Improvement: Some improvements to how and when the truck state popup behaves
- Bugfix: Fix issue with the Truck Data API that was causing an error when attempting to return non numeric data values
- Bugfix: Fix reverse geocoding logic used by the Ticket page to properly handle data returned from our geolocation data provider
June 12, 2019
- Improvement: Add ability to select which points show up in the list of closest points displayed when an address search is done
- Improvement: Modify all reports to use the new text messages tables
- Improvement: Add truck tag information to the SMS and Email DVIR alerts
- Bugfix: Fix payroll report to properly determine the end of shift time
- Bugfix: Fix bug with how filtered plants are handled on the map page
June 5, 2019
- Feature: New report that displays the total volume of concrete delivered per truck
- Improvement: More improvements for the upcoming changes to Truck Messaging
- Improvement: Some enhancements to where/how the truck hover is displayed
- Improvement: Add client support email field to the client settings UI
- Improvement: Display latest truck/ticket event instead of latest truck/ticket status in a few places on the map to avoid the duplication of information presented to the user
- Improvement: Add ability to export truck data from the Trucks admin page
- Improvement: Further modifications to how the back end determines "end of shift" time for the tablet to display to the driver
- Improvement: Make truckId an optional filter in the TruckLocationHistory API
- Bugfix: Fix point creation to use proper fields from the reverse geocode response
May 29, 2019
- Improvement: Change map to only include pickup points and loading points as options for plants to filter
- Improvement: Enable status colors in truck hover / slideout
- Improvement: More "under the cover" improvements to support some major upcoming changes to Truck Messaging
- Improvement: Add TruckId to the DriverLoginHistory API response
- Bugfix: DVIR Save and Cancel buttons no longer flow off screen when window is resized
May 22, 2019
- Improvement: Change how hover popups are positioned on the map to prevent the map from moving
- Improvement: Change the driver hours times on the tablet to include the later of scheduled time and login time as the start time for the driver
- Improvement: Change the default start time for the External APIs from 7 days ago to 1 day ago
May 15, 2019
- Feature: Improved remote management capabilities for the Digi WVA devices
- Improvement: Display status names instead of event names on the new hover states, the new slide outs, and the job site dashboard
- Improvement: New PATCH external APIs for Trucks, Points, and Users
- Improvement: Add ticket event id to the Ticket Event History API response
- Improvement: Added several new indexes to improve database performance
May 8, 2019
- Feature: New APIs for managing Points, Truck Data, Job Sites, and Ticket Events
- Improvement: Remove the beta map now that the improved hover states and slideouts have been integrated with the main map
- Bugfix: Fix issue with the Digital Fleet ticket creation UI where an invalid point id was used if no shipping or return location was specified
- Bugfix: Fix the washout response report to include points that have a point class designated as a pickup point class
May 1, 2019
- Feature: New APIs for managing Trucks, Truck Driver Users, and Job Waypoints
- Improvement: Added more information to the Digi.WVA devices admin page for better management
- Improvement: Removed deprecated data and added new data to the Digi.Track devices admin page for better management
- Improvement: Modify the map page to move slightly (instead of jumping) when mousing over a truck causes the hover dialog to partially appear off the map
- Improvement: Add order information to the truck hover details
- Improvement: Add last status time to the truck slide out details
- Improvement: Many underlying changes to how Truck Messages are managed in the platform to support upcoming work on the Messaging component of the platform
- Bugfix: Fix the data on the Shift History section of 7.x versions of the tablet to more accurately display driver shift start/stop times
April 24, 2019
- Improvement: Start keeping track of the last time Digi WVA devices report their configuration to the platform
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was causing the new hover state to go flat after filters were selected on the map
- Bugfix: Logout drivers currently logged into a truck when a new login comes in for that truck
April 17, 2019
- Improvement: Use client's default timezone when creating a new employee
- Improvement: Update the list of trucks in the reports section based on the dispatch system selected (for clients with multiple dispatch systems configured)
- Improvement: Added dispatch system id as a column to some additional reports
- Improvement: Added conversions from metric to imperial for some additional data in the Truck Data report
- Bugfix: Create a device in our system the first time we see a reference to that device
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was resulting in the failure of the export of some reports
- Bugfix: Some fixes to the new slide outs and hover states on the map page
- Bugfix: Fix to ticket event dispatch integration API to properly handle begin/end load events sent via the API
April 10, 2019
- Feature: New hover states and slide outs on the map (beta map first)
- Feature: Add ability to message a truck from the map (beta map first)
- Improvement: Don't automatically backfill data from the previous driver schedule. This is now done with a new button on the driver schedule page. Also, the backfill process now only backfills data from the plants the user is configured to see.
- Improvement: Add Dispatch System filter and columns to reports that are capable of supporting it
- Bugfix: Fix a few issues on the new alert settings page
- Bugfix: Change water added message to use truck timezone instead of driver timezone
- Bugfix: Fix bug processing geofence breaks for non return locations
April 3, 2019
- Feature: Introduce new Loaded and Poured ticket statuses
- Improvement: Add notes field to DVIRs, which can be viewed and edited via the webapp
- Improvement: Several enhancements to the DVIR section of the webapp
- Improvement: Update TruckMessageHistory API to make updatedStartTime and updatedEndTime filters work more reliably
- Improvement: Add a new configuration that supports transitioning a truck to Deadhead or assigning a new auto-ticket when a current ticket is voided
- Improvement: Switched the Truck Status feature on the map to be backed by a new, more efficient data cache (which will soon also power the map)
March 27, 2019
- Improvement: Add new updatedStartTime and updatedEndTime filters to the TruckMessageHistory API
- Improvement: Modify existing APIs to return the ID of the client dispatch system associated with points, tickets, and trucks, and a new API to retrieve client dispatch system details
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was not properly cleaning up an old ticket when an already ticketed truck is assigned a new ticket
- Bugfix: Allow for a longer order name in a ticket
March 20, 2019
- Improvement: Add support for truck, truck class, and client specific Digi WVA config files
- Improvement: Clean up some fields in the Truck Activity Report to make them more accurately represent what is happening
- Improvement: Add Spanish translations for the default canned messages and staus descriptions
- Improvement: Modify the Truck Data report to list data in miles, pounds, and gallons
- Improvement: Create new version of the ECM Detail report that lists the ECM data along with the truck move record is associated with
- Improvement: Add ability to find Digi.Track devices by phone number
- Improvement: Sort alerts by the name of the alert
- Improvement: Correct DVIR Issue alerts to no longer link to the old DVIR details page
- Bugfix: Fix error in the Payroll Report where the department codes for the in yard and the out yard were flip-flopped
- Bugfix: Modify the Point admin screen to rename the "Entered" column to "Changed", and have the time the point was changed displayed in the web user's timezone
- Bugfix: Modify Access dispatch integration to handle larger point radius
March 13, 2019
- Improvement: Add notes to the Fuel Detail report
- Improvement: Add latitude/longitude to the Ticket List report
- Improvement: Some minor performance and display enhancements to the new DVIR page
- Improvement: Remove "Reset All" button from the Driver Scheduling page
- Bugfix: Fix ticket id on the Job Site Dashboard
- Bugfix: Fix timezone related issue on the Driver Scheduling page
- Bugfix: Fix daylight savings time issue when processing tablet logins
- Bugfix: Fix email sending logic that was not gracefully handling a blank email recipient
- Bugfix: Keep the outer radius configuration of a ticket in sync with the associated job
March 6, 2019
- Feature: Enhanced and mobile responsive DVIR section of the webapp
- Feature: Major upgrades and enhancements to the Alerts section of the webapp
- Improvement: Handle polygons specified for a job site from within a ticket
- Improvement: Deactivate "old" devices when registering new devices of the same type to the same truck
- Improvement: Update the payroll report to use UTC based times
- Bugfix: Fix bug when attempting to update information for a driver on the Audit page
February 27, 2019
- Improvement: Increase the amount of time a device needs to have not reported before the Digital Fleet platform removes it
- Improvement: Add the ability to sort API results by a sort key and direction to the TruckLocationHistory and DriverLoginHistory APIs
- Improvement: Add code to deal with the GPS week rollover event that will be happening from 4/7/2019 - 4/14/2019
- Bugfix: Fix several bugs around device registration, and the updating of device information as reported by the DigiTrack application
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was preventing some web users to not be able to select an associated dispatch system when creating a job site
- Bugfix: Fix timing issue that was resulting in some login and logout events not having an associated driver
February 20, 2019
- Improvement: Add ability to capture location and battery diagnostics from newer versions of the DigiTrack mobile app
- Improvement: Upgraded the version of several core UI components used throughout the Digital Fleet webapp
- Bugfix: Fix error parsing engine hours and odometer miles from maintenance requests from the tablet
- Bugfix: Do not re-create DigiTrack devices on the Digital Fleet platform if they have been deleted on the platform, but are still being reported as "active" from the same truck that they were previously registered to
- Bugfix: Modify ELD service to use the most up-to-date data when creating a malfunction or diagnostic record
February 13, 2019
- Feature: Added ability to assign pickup, delivery, and loading responsibilities to a point class
- Feature: Added new ELD Uncertified Records Audit report
- Feature: New Point and TruckPointHistory APIs
- Improvement: Allow user to filter the Driver Performance report by driver
- Improvement: Allow user to filter the Truck Data report by the source of the data
- Improvement: Removed the ability to set stand still time and radius on the Truck. These settings are now available at the Client and Truck Class levels.
- Improvement: More data returned in TruckEvent and TicketEvent API responses
- Bugfix: Fix truck icon colors on dashboard maps
- Bugfix: Fix the "Clear Route" button that appears then displaying a truck route on the dispatch and job site dashboards
February 6, 2019
- Feature: New and improved job site dashboard
- Improvement: Increase the amount of time a truck stays in the status list on the map since its last event from 4 hours to 12 hours
- Improvement: Parse the order quantity and shipped quantity from ticket messages sent by Access dispatch systems
January 30, 2019
- Improvement: Add support for a Leave Shop truck event
- Bugfix: Fix issue where trucks that do not trigger events were not showing up on the map
- Bugfix: Populate Integra manual arrive yard location based on information in the ticket
- Bugfix: Fix to the Payroll Detail report caused by the switch over to the new eventing model
- Bugfix: Fix issue where job site polygons were not being persisted correctly
- Bugfix: Fix issue where End Standstill events were incorrectly being recorded in the truck status history
- Bugfix: Fix map to handle when ETA cannot be determined due to an unknown ship location
January 23, 2019
- Improvement: Allow client admins to set the standstill time for trucks at the Client or Truck Class levels
- Improvement: A few database related performance improvements
- Bugfix: Don't use auto-generated tickets as shipping doc numbers for ELD records
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was preventing the processing of begin load and end load events sent to us via our Dispatch Integration API
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was resulting in unpredictable behavior processing the entry/exit of points when those points had overlapping geofences
January 16, 2019
- Improvement: Switch over certain parts of the Maps page to new the new eventing model
- Improvement: Deployed an improved process for handling truck standstills
- Improvement: Data model updates to lay the groundwork for supporting multiple dispatch systems for a single client
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was incorrectly moving the job site on begin pour
- Bugfix: Fix bug when processing manual status changes for trucks without a ticket
January 9, 2019
- Improvement: Continued porting significant portions of the system to operate off of UTC based times
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was resulting in multiple schedule notifications if the web user had published a schedule, and then modified it
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was resulting in duplicate rows in the payroll report if the driver had been sent multiple washout messages for that day
- Bugfix: Do not auto transition to Deadhead on login if the truck is assigned a ticket
- Bugfix: Fix issue when fetching ELD records to use the UTC based time for the lookup
- Bugfix: Fix issue that was not displaying the background for the truck details popup on the web app
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was causing the Operations and Efficiency Dashboards to not display data for dates in 2018
January 2, 2019
- Feature: Added new Deadhead Mileage report
- Improvement: Display inactive trucks in the truck dropdown on the reports page for client admins
- Improvement: Add point filter option to the Yard report
- Bugfix: Fix bug that was preventing a status change to deadhead when logging into a deadheading truck
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