The customer delivery notifications provide a way to send the order contact a text message when a truck triggers a specific ticket event. This can be when the truck gets loaded, leaves the plant, or any other part of the ticket cycle. It also provides the ability to customize the message so it says exactly what you want.
We receive the order contact information through the dispatch provided ticket information. When the customer delivery notification is enabled, a text message will be sent for all tickets that include the contact information based on the parameters you’ve set up.
Web users will be able to set up the customer delivery notifications through the Digital Fleet Alerts settings by creating a new Ticket Event alert.
Access Alerts
- Access the settings page by selecting the
icon in the webapp header.
- Select Alerts from the left menu.

Create New Alert
- Select the
icon to create a new alert.

General Tab parameters
- Name: Enter a name for the new alert.
- Alert Type: Ticket Events
- Ticket Event Codes: Select the ticket event(s) when you’d like a text message to be sent. Use the CTRL key to select more than one ticket event.
- Select specific tags to limit the alert to trucks with the selected tags. Use the CTRL key to select more than one ticket event.
- Select a specific truck class to limit the alert to trucks within the selected truck class.

Recipients Tab parameters
- Send SMS To Ticket Contact: enable
OPTIONAL inputs (recommended for internal use only)
- Email Recipients: Email addresses can be added to receive every Ticket Event alert. We recommend only adding email addresses for internal employees as each email address will be sent every notification.
- SMS Recipients: Phone numbers can be added to receive every Ticket Event alert. We recommend only adding phone numbers for internal employees as each phone number will be sent every notification.

Schedule Tab parameters
- Trigger Realtime: enable
- Time Zone: Select your time zone
- Realtime Message Subject: Update as desired to customize the first line of the customer delivery notification text message. This may be removed if it is not desired.
- Realtime Message Body: Update as desired to customize the main body of the customer delivery notification text message.
Message Variables (brackets are required)
- {truck_name}: Uses the truck name provided in the ticket.
- {company_name}: Uses the client name used in the Digital Fleet settings and header.
- {ticket_number}: Uses the ticket number provided in the ticket.
- {ticket_event_name}: Uses the ticket event name used for the alert.
- {event_date_time}: Uses the time stamp for the ticket event that triggered the alert.
- {load_size}: Uses the load size provided in the ticket.
Example: Truck {truck_name} is in {ticket_event_name} for ticket {ticket_number} = Truck 999 is in To Job for ticket 12345

Save Alert
- Select the Save button when all parameters have been configured.

Customer Delivery Notification Examples
With Realtime Message Subject
- Realtime Message Subject: New Ticket Event - Digital Fleet {ticket_number} - Custom subject
- Realtime Message Body: Truck {truck_name} left the plant @ {event_date_time} with {load_size} CY for your job site

Without Realtime Message Subject
- Realtime Message Subject:
- Realtime Message Body: Truck {truck_name} left the plant @ {event_date_time} with {load_size} CY for your job site

Please contact us at if you have any questions.
DIGITAL FLEET, LLC | | (630) 518-4606
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