Material Dispatch functionality
The material dispatch functionality allows web users to plan their material truck loads for the current or future dates. This allows for the creation of customers, jobs, orders, tickets, and products with a schedule view to stack tickets on individual trucks. The driver app delivers the ticket information for the truck with the ability to input BOL information and create tickets from the driver app as needed.
Web user functionality
Web users will have access to the Material Dispatch functionality through the normal webapp by selecting the options under the Dispatch section of the left hand navigation.
Once in the dispatch section of the webapp, the web user will be able to create and view the truck schedule, customers, jobs, orders, tickets, products, and tax codes.
The Customers page includes a list of all customers and allows for the creation, editing, and deletion of your customer list. The customer information is used to tie jobs, orders, and tickets together.
Create Customer
On the Customers page, select the +CREATE or +NEW CUSTOMER buttons to open the create modal. The Customer Name field is required but all other fields are optional.
Input Fields
Field |
Description |
Customer Name (required) |
Customer Account Number |
Customer Address |
Person of Contact |
Phone Number |
Email Address |
The Jobs page includes a list of all active or completed jobs for the date selected and allows for the creation, editing, and deletion of your jobs. Jobs are used to define the start and end date for the work along with the product, pricing information, and location. This information will be used to populate order information as you build out each day’s schedule.
Create Job
On the Jobs page, select the +CREATE or +NEW JOB buttons to open the create modal. Within the create modal, you’ll be able to select the customer, enter the job name and number, select the delivery point or enter a delivery address, define the start and end dates, define default tax and delivery rates, and enter products for the job.
Input Fields
Field |
Description |
Customer Name (required) |
Job Name (required) |
Job # |
Order prefix |
Ticket prefix |
Note |
Delivery/Destination or Customer Address |
Start/End Date |
Default Product Tax |
Default Delivery Fee |
Products (required) |
Job Status |
Completing a Job
Automatic by system
The end date for a job is used to automatically update a job to the complete status. All orders for the job will also be updated to a complete status at this time.
Manual by dispatcher
The job can also be updated to the Complete status by a dispatcher. All orders for the job will also be updated to a complete status at this time. If a job needs to be reopened it can manually be set to Active.
The Orders page includes a list of all active or completed orders for the date selected and allows for the creation, editing, and deletion of your orders. Orders are used to define the specific product and quantity to deliver with the ability to assign the individual loads to trucks. This information will be used to create the tickets needed to complete the defined work.
Create Order
On the Orders page, select the +CREATE or +NEW ORDER buttons to open the create modal. Within the create modal, you’ll be able to select the customer, job, and delivery information, define the start and end dates, and manage the loads for the defined products.
Product Load Options
When adding products to an order you have the ability to add multiple products and define the quantity and number of loads for each product. Once the product information is selected, you can select the truck class to perform the deliveries and assign trucks to the loads as needed.
When defining the products for the order there are two options for the load setup.
Per Load
When a quantity and truck class are selected, the number of loads will automatically be updated based on the default hauling capacity for the truck class. The number of loads for a product can be manually updated as needed by adding or removing tickets.
If a truck will be repeating the loads for an order, you can select the Repeating option under the Load dropdown. This will require assigning one or more trucks to the order through the truck assignment popover window. The repeating ticket will occur until the product’s order quantity is delivered.
Input Fields
Field |
Description |
Customer Name (required) |
Job Name (required) |
Order # (system generated) |
Delivery/Destination or Customer Address (required) |
Start/End Date (required) |
Start Time |
Note |
Products (required) |
Order Status |
Completing an Order
Automatic by system
When the quantity for all the products on an order have been delivered or the end date for the order is reached, the order will automatically update to a complete status. All unworked tickets for the order will also be updated to a cancelled status at this time.
Manual by dispatcher
The order can also be updated to the Complete status by a dispatcher through the Order modal. All unworked tickets for the order will also be updated to a cancelled status at this time. If an order needs to be reopened it can manually be set to Active.
The Tickets page includes a list of all active, completed, or cancelled tickets for the date selected and allows for the creation, editing, and deletion of your tickets. Tickets are used to assign loads to trucks and track status times for completing the work.
Create Ticket
Tickets will get created when creating an order based on the number loads defined in the order. To create an additional ticket, on the Tickets page, select the +CREATE or +NEW TICKET buttons to open the create modal. Within the create modal you’ll be able to select the customer, job, order, product and assign the ticket to a truck.
Input Fields
Field |
Description |
Customer Name (required) |
Job Name (required) |
Job # |
Order # |
Ticket # (system generated) |
Delivery/Destination or Customer Address (required) |
Start/End Date (required) |
Start Time |
Delivery Time |
Note |
Products (required) |
Ticket Status |
Completing a Ticket
Automatic by system
When the driver returns to a pickup location, or manually cycles through the ticket lifecycle, the ticket lifecycle will be complete and the ticket will be marked completed.
Manual by dispatcher
The ticket can also be updated to the Complete status by a dispatcher through the Ticket modal.
The Inventory page includes a list of all products and allows for the creation, editing, and deletion of your product list. The product information is used to determine what truck classes are allowed to haul a specific product, the origins of the product, and where the product can be delivered.
Create Product
On the Inventory page, select the +CREATE or +NEW PRODUCT buttons to open the create modal. Within the create modal you’ll be able to enter the product name and code, select it’s unit of measure, associate it to truck classes, and define the origin and allowed delivery destinations for the product.
Input Fields
Field |
Description |
Product Name (required) |
Product Code |
UOM (required) |
Truck Class |
Routing table |
Tax Codes
Tax codes are available to calculate required taxes based on the pricing information entered during job creation.
Create Tax Code
On the Tax Codes page, select the +CREATE or +NEW TAX CODE buttons to open the create modal. Within the create modal enter the Tax Code identifier and applicable state, county, and city tax rates.
To provide an easier way to find specific information, the filters can be used to find information based on customer name, job number, order number, ticket number, or truck name. There’s also the ability to only view active, completed, or cancelled tickets. Open the filters by selecting the icon to the left of the date.
Truck Schedule
The truck schedule allows the web users to view the ticket stacks for all trucks and assign tickets as needed. All trucks associated with the Digital Fleet dispatch will be visible.
Ticket Queue
The ticket queue provides a list of all unassigned tickets grouped by jobs and orders. Once a ticket is assigned to a truck it will be removed from the queue. The tickets can be assigned by either dragging the ticket onto the appropriate truck or selecting the assign truck button.
Assign Truck
When assigning a ticket queue ticket to a truck you have two options: drag the ticket to the desired truck or use the truck assignment popover.
Drag Ticket
All tickets on the schedule page and ticket queue can be dragged to a truck for assignment. To add the ticket to the end of the truck’s ticket stack drop it at the end ticket stack or on the truck card. The ticket can also be dragged to a new location in the ticket stack as needed.
Truck Assignment Popover
To add a ticket to the end of a truck’s ticket stack you can select the truck from the truck assignment popover. The popover will show trucks allowed to haul the product.
The Search function provides the ability to search by Job # and Order #.
Create Ticket
Selecting the +Ticket button will open the Create Ticket modal for quick access to create a new ticket.
Expand/Collapse All
Provides a quick control to expand or collapse all information.
Ticket Stack
The ticket stack allows for future planning by stacking multiple tickets on a truck so they can be worked on throughout the day. When a truck has multiple tickets in it’s active ticket stack, the next up ticket will automatically be sent to the truck upon completion of the previous ticket.
The ticket stack is used to order the tickets to be completed with tickets being given to the driver from left to right (first ticket to be worked is on the far left). This order can be manually updated by dragging the ticket card left or right on the stack.
Return Location
The order of the ticket stack also provides return location information for the driver. The return location is presented to the driver after they’ve arrived at their delivery destination for the current ticket to let them know where to go next. This is populated based on the product origin of the next ticket in the ticket stack. For the last ticket on the ticket stack no return location will be provided.
Future Tickets
Tickets with a start time in the future will be listed to the right of the Future Scheduled Tickets cell with the start time listed in the top right corner of the ticket card. This will prevent the ticket from becoming active until the start time occurs. Once the start time has been reached, the ticket will be added to the end of the truck’s active ticket stack. The start time can be overridden by selecting the Add to Stack button on the ticket. This will make the ticket available and add it to the end of the active ticket stack.
Ticket Cards
The ticket cards in the ticket queue and in a trucks ticket stack provide information for the ticket #, order #, product, origin, destination, quantity, and ticket status. They also provide controls to edit the ticket, view ticket details, cancel the ticket, assign the ticket, and unassign the ticket.
Edit Ticket
To view or edit a ticket, select the icon to open the Edit Ticket modal.
View Ticket Details
To view the ticket details modal, select the icon. The Ticket Details include ticket information for product, delivery location, BOL, and status times.
Cancel or Unassign the Ticket
To cancel or unassign a ticket, select the icon and confirm what action you want to take.
Assign Ticket
To assign the ticket to a new truck you can drag the ticket card to the desired truck or select the icon to see a list of trucks that can haul the product.
Truck Card
The truck cards to the far left of the schedule provide logged in driver name, number of tickets for the selected date, current status, and controls to message the truck and view the truck's current location.
Send To
Selecting the send to button provides a way to send a one way route to a truck without an active ticket. This option is only available when there are no active tickets on the truck.
Selecting the message button will open the messaging chat for the truck to review and send messages.
Selecting the Zoom button will open a mini map to show the current location of the truck.
Transfer Tickets
Selecting the transfer tickets button provides a way to transfer all tickets from another truck in the same truck class.
Webapp access rights
When the material dispatch functionality is enabled, a new section will be available when setting up user roles. Under the newly available Dispatch Controls section, you'll have the ability to set view and edit access for the different dashboards.
Right name | View access | Edit access |
Customer | View only access to the Customers dashboard. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Customers. |
Inventory | View only access to the Inventory dashboard. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Products. |
Job | View only access to the Jobs dashboard. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Jobs. |
Order | View only access to the Orders dashboard. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Orders. |
Tax Code | View only access to the Tax Codes dashboard. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Tax Codes. |
Ticketing | View only access to the Schedule screen, Tickets dashboard, and ticket details. | Adds the ability to edit/add/delete Tickets. |
Driver app functionality
Through the driver app, drivers will be sent ticket information to identify origin, destination, and product details along with any special instructions. They will also have the ability to enter BOL and quantity information for each ticket.
New TicketWhen a new regular ticket is delivered to the driver app, a notification will be displayed.
Manually Deactivate a TicketWhen a ticket is active, the ticket can be deactivated if it will be worked at a later time.
Manually Activate a TicketIf there are no active tickets, a ticket can be manually activated to begin working it.
Manually Complete a TicketWhen a ticket is active, the ticket can be manually completed if it is finished and was not automatically completed.
Pick Up locationThe pickup location shows the origin of the ticket product.
Ticket CardThe ticket card provides ticket information and allows for launching of the map to get directions to the delivery location, entry of the BOL information, and access to more detailed information for the ticket.
Next Pick Up locationThe next pickup location shows the pickup location for the product on your next ticket. If origin of the next ticket’s product.
Ticket StackOn the main HUD, the current active ticket and future tickets for the current day will be shown.
Ticket HistoryThe ticket history will show your completed, active, and future tickets.
Repeating Ticket - AcceptWhen a repeating load is setup for a truck, the notification will include options to accept or reject the ticket.
BOL EntrySelecting the BOL button will open the BOL screen for the active ticket. |
Self TicketWhen a driver does not have an active ticket, there is an option to allow for the manual input of a ticket.
Disable Automatic Ticket ActivationTo allow only manual activation of tickets, the automatic activation can be disabled. This will require the driver to manually activate all tickets. |
Automatically Open BOL ScreenThe BOL screen can be automatically opened based on a client defined ticket event.
Active Ticket Logout PromptThis prompt will show when a driver logs out with an active ticket to help close out tickets at the end of a shift.
Repeating Ticket - End ShiftThere is an optional setting to initiate the logout flow when rejecting a repeating ticket. When this is enabled and a repeating load is set up for a truck, the notification will include options to accept the ticket or end the driver’s shift.
BOL Entry on LogoutWhen the logout flow is initiated by the driver, or by selecting End Shift on a repeating load, the driver will be shown all tickets that need BOL and quantity information.
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