General Functionality
The Quick Route functionality provides a web user the capability to send a destination to a truck without the need to ticket the truck. It can be initiated from an individual truck, a point on the map, or through the address search functionality.
Accessing from an individual truck
When the Quick Route function is enabled, a "Send To" button will be available from the truck hover pop-up and truck slideout on the map. Selecting this button will open the Quick Route overlay for input. Once open, a point can be selected or an address search can be performed for the destination. It also allows for special instructions to be sent with the destination information.
Once a truck has been sent the destination, the truck slideout will show where the truck is being sent with the ability to cancel the route as needed.
Accessing from a point on the map
In addition to initiating the Quick Route functionality from the truck, a "Route Here" button has been added to points or a pin dropped on the map by right clicking on the map. Selecting this button will open the Quick Route overlay for input. Once open, one or more trucks can be selected to send the destination to each selected truck. Trucks that already have a route or are ticketed will not be available.
Once the route has been sent, all trucks routed to the destination will be shown in the point slideout's TRUCKS CURRENTLY ROUTED HERE section with the ability to cancel the route for each truck.
Accessing from Address Search
The final way to initiate a route for a truck is through the Address Search functionality. When an address search has been initiated the "Route Here" button will be available to open the Quick Route overlay. The interaction is the same as when initiating from a point with the ability to select one or more trucks.
Cancelling a Quick Route
Once a truck has been assigned a Quick Route, the route will complete when the vehicle arrives at the destination. If you want to assign a different or new route to the vehicle, you can cancel the current route from the map. Simply click on the truck from the map and there is a "Cancel Route" option in the side menu.
Driver Application Interaction
When a quick route is sent to a driver, the driver will be notified on the driver app with a pop up notification. Upon acknowledging the pop up, the driver can view the destination information and preview the route on the map. Once the truck reaches the destination, the truck will transition to the "Arrive Destination" status and clear the route.
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