E-Ticketing functionality
The e-Ticketing functionality allows web users and drivers to view detailed ticket information, add ticket notes, QC notes, slump readings, extra products, and water added information. It also allows users to capture signatures and send PDF copies of tickets via email or SMS.
Web user functionality
Web users will have access to the e-Ticketing functionality through the normal webapp by selecting the Tickets option from the left hand navigation.
From the Tickets dashboard, the web user will be able to view the status of all tickets for a given date in a grid or list view. It also provides the ability to view in depth ticket details for each ticket.
Ticket Details
When viewing the ticket details the web user will be able to see order, ticket, and product information, status history, DF+ information, ticket notes, QC notes, and driver added events.
Ticket Notes
The Ticket Notes provide the ability to record important information for the ticket and can be added or edited from the driver app and webapp. A changelog is provided on the webapp for each added note to show who it was created by and who made edits.
Driver Events
The Driver Events provide the ability to record slump readings and water add information for the ticket. These can be added from the driver app and webapp. A changelog is provided on the webapp for each added event to show who it was created by and who made edits.
QC Notes
The QC Notes provide the ability to record specific QC related information for the ticket and can be added from the driver app and webapp. A changelog is provided on the webapp for each added note to show who it was created by and who made edits.
Extra Products
A Products tab is available to add extra products. The extra products added in the web app, will be made available to the driver in a drop down product menu when the driver selects Record Product Add from the ticket options or Extra Products on the ticket details page. When recorded, the extra product information will be available on the ticket details page in the web app under Driver Added Events and on the tablet under Product Specifications.
Ticket Send
The Ticket Send functionality provides ability to send a pdf copy of the ticket through email or sms from the driver app and webapp. The webapp also provides the ability to download a pdf of the ticket. A changelog is provided on the webapp for each time a ticket pdf was sent with information on delivery method and who sent the ticket.
To provide an easier way to find tickets, the filters can be used to see tickets based on customer name, job number, order number, ticket number, or truck name. There’s also the ability to only view active, completed, or cancelled tickets. Open the filters by selecting the icon to the left of the date.
Driver app functionality
Through the driver app, drivers will be able to view the current day’s ticket history with a detailed view of the order, ticket and product details for each ticket. They will also be able to view status times and DF+ information for each ticket with the ability to add ticket notes, QC notes, and driver events or send a pdf copy of the ticket to an email address or phone number.
Ticket DetailsWhen viewing the ticket details the driver will be able to see order, ticket, and product information, status history, DF+ information, ticket notes, QC notes, and driver added events. |
NotesThe Ticket Notes provide the ability to record important information for the ticket. |
Driver Added EventThe Driver Events provide the ability to record slump readings and water add information for the ticket. |
Extra ProductsThe Extra Products provides the ability to view extra products specified by dispatch, and allows driver's add additional products for the ticket. |
QC NotesThe QC Notes provide the ability to record specific QC related information for the ticket. |
StatusThe status screen shows all statuses for the ticket with times and DF+ drum information when applicable. |
Ticket SendThere is also an ability to send a pdf copy of the ticket by email or sms/text. |
The e-Ticketing functionality can be enabled at a truck, truck class, or client level. Only trucks with the feature enabled will have access to the ticket notes, driver added events, QC notes, extra products and ticket send ability.
Please reach out to our support team at support@digitalfleet.com to get E-Ticketing setup.
E-Ticketing right
When the E-Ticketing client feature is enabled, the E-Ticketing right will be available for web users.
The view access will give read only access to the ticket dashboard and ticket details. Users will not be able to edit ticket notes, driver events, or QC notes and will not be able to download the pdf or use the ticket send functionality.
The edit access will give users full access to the ticket dashboard and ticket details. This includes the ability to edit/add/delete the ticket notes, driver events, and QC notes. Users will also be able to download a pdf of the ticket details and have access to the ticket send functionality.
Default Ticket Send PDF
There is an ability to define the information included in the Ticket Send pdf. The default information will be used when the pdf delivery is initiated from the driver app. Through the webapp, the default information will be chosen when opening the Ticket Send modal but can be overridden by the web user as needed.
Digital Fleet also allows a custom logo to be attached to the pdf.
API Access
We’ve also added the ticket notes, driver added events, and QC notes to the Ticket API. More details can be found in the Digital Fleet API Document. To set up API access please reach out to our support team at support@digitalfleet.com.
DIGITAL FLEET, LLC | support@digitalfleet.com | (630) 518-4606
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